Xamarin Forms Displayalert Donot Show This Message Again

Jefry Pozo

Jefry Pozo

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Creating an outlined entry in Xamarin.Forms

As you may know, in Xamarin.Forms entries are styled with Google's Material Design and the normal iOS control are used on iPhone. In a project I'm coding I wanted to create an Entry with the outlined style (border and floating label) from Fabric Design but currently, there is no default way to return an entry with this style.

Screen Shot 2021-03-01 at 6.44.38 PM

This time we are going to create a custom command to simulate this beliefs.

Creating custom renderer

In gild to create an outlined entry as per the Material Design, we need to customize the Entry and remove its borders in both platforms, so nosotros are going to utilise a custom renderer based on the Entry control. We are going to name the command BorderlessEntry.

                          namespace              XamarinSamples.Views.Controls              {              public              grade              BorderlessEntry              :              Entry              {              }              }                      

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Then we are going to crear a renderer for each platform.

                          [              assembly              :              ExportRenderer              (              typeof              (              BorderlessEntry              ),              typeof              (              BorderlessEntryRenderer              ))]              namespace              XamarinSamples.Droid.UI.Renderers              {              public              class              BorderlessEntryRenderer              :              EntryRenderer              {              public              BorderlessEntryRenderer              (              Context              context              )              :              base              (              context              )              {              }              protected              override              void              OnElementChanged              (              ElementChangedEventArgs              <              Entry              >              due east              )              {              base              .              OnElementChanged              (              east              );              //Configure native command (TextBox)              if              (              Command              !=              zero              )              {              Control              .              Background              =              nothing              ;              }              // Configure Entry backdrop              if              (              e              .              NewElement              !=              zip              )              {              }              }              }              }                      

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                          [              associates              :              ExportRenderer              (              typeof              (              BorderlessEntry              ),              typeof              (              BorderlessEntryRenderer              ))]              namespace              XamarinSamples.iOS.UI.Renderers              {              public              form              BorderlessEntryRenderer              :              EntryRenderer              {              protected              override              void              OnElementChanged              (              ElementChangedEventArgs              <              Entry              >              e              )              {              base of operations              .              OnElementChanged              (              due east              );              //Configure Native control (UITextField)              if              (              Control              !=              null              )              {              Control              .              Layer              .              BorderWidth              =              0              ;              Control              .              BorderStyle              =              UIKit              .              UITextBorderStyle              .              None              ;              }              }              }              }                      

Enter fullscreen style Exit fullscreen fashion

Calculation custom contol with the BorderlessEntry

Once we accept the Entry without the borders, information technology's time to create our custom command that will host this Entry. For ease of employ of the control nosotros are going to add together some bindable properties so you can configure the command directly from XAML. These backdrop will be Text, Placeholder, PlaceholderColor and BorderColor.

                          namespace              XamarinSamples.Views.Controls              {              [              XamlCompilation              (              XamlCompilationOptions              .              Compile              )]              public              fractional              class              EntryOutlined              :              ContentPage              {              public              EntryOutlined              ()              {              InitializeComponent              ();              this              .              TextBox              .              PlaceholderColor              =              PlaceholderColor              ;              }              public              static              readonly              BindableProperty              TextProperty              =              BindableProperty              .              Create              (              nameof              (              Text              ),              typeof              (              string              ),              typeof              (              EntryOutlined              ),              null              );              public              string              Text              {              get              {              render              (              string              )              GetValue              (              TextProperty              );              }              set              {              SetValue              (              TextProperty              ,              value              );              }              }              public              static              readonly              BindableProperty              PlaceholderProperty              =              BindableProperty              .              Create              (              nameof              (              Placeholder              ),              typeof              (              cord              ),              typeof              (              EntryOutlined              ),              zippo              );              public              cord              Placeholder              {              get              {              return              (              string              )              GetValue              (              PlaceholderProperty              );              }              set              {              SetValue              (              PlaceholderProperty              ,              value              );              }              }              public              static              readonly              BindableProperty              PlaceholderColorProperty              =              BindableProperty              .              Create              (              nameof              (              PlaceholderColor              ),              typeof              (              Color              ),              typeof              (              EntryOutlined              ),              Colour              .              Blueish              );              public              Color              PlaceholderColor              {              get              {              return              (              Color              )              GetValue              (              PlaceholderColorProperty              );              }              gear up              {              SetValue              (              PlaceholderColorProperty              ,              value              );              }              }              public              static              readonly              BindableProperty              BorderColorProperty              =              BindableProperty              .              Create              (              nameof              (              BorderColor              ),              typeof              (              Color              ),              typeof              (              EntryOutlined              ),              Color              .              Blue              );              public              Colour              BorderColor              {              become              {              return              (              Color              )              GetValue              (              BorderColorProperty              );              }              gear up              {              SetValue              (              BorderColorProperty              ,              value              );              }              }              }              }                      

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                          <?xml version="one.0" encoding="utf-8"?>              <ContentView              xmlns=              "http://xamarin.com/schemas/2014/forms"              xmlns:x=              "http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2009/xaml"              ten:Class=              "XamarinSamples.Views.Controls.EntryOutlined"              xmlns:controls=              "clr-namespace:XamarinSamples.Views.Controls;assembly=XamarinSamples"              Margin=              "{OnPlatform Android='three,0,3,v', iOS='iii,0,3,5'}"              x:Proper noun=              "this"              >              <ContentView.Content>              <StackLayout>              <Grid>              <Frame              HasShadow=              "False"              x:Name=              "EntryFrame"              BorderColor=              "{Bounden BorderColor, Source={x:Reference this}}"              CornerRadius=              "{OnPlatform Android=3}"              Padding=              "{OnPlatform Android='5,0,5,0', iOS='8,0,8,0'}"              Margin=              "{OnPlatform Android='0,0,0,0', iOS='0,0,0,0'}"              />              <Label              x:Proper name=              "PlaceHolderLabel"              BackgroundColor=              "White"              HorizontalOptions=              "Starting time"              TextColor=              "{Binding PlaceholderColor, Source={Reference this}}"              Text=              "{Binding Placeholder,Source={ten:Reference this}}"              Margin=              "10,0,0,0"              VerticalOptions=              "Middle"              />              <controls:BorderlessEntry              HeightRequest=              "{OnPlatform iOS=40}"              x:Proper noun=              "TextBox"              VerticalOptions=              "FillAndExpand"              Text=              "{Binding Text,Source={x:Reference this},Manner=TwoWay}"              Margin=              "10,0,0,0"              />              </Grid>              </StackLayout>              </ContentView.Content>              </ContentView>                      

Enter fullscreen mode Get out fullscreen mode

At present we are going to add the control to a unproblematic folio and it should look similar this:

Screen Shot 2021-03-01 at 8.10.36 PM

Screen Shot 2021-03-01 at 8.10.24 PM

Translating placeholder into and out of the entry

Now that we take our control in place, it's fourth dimension to move the placeholder into the top of the edge when the Entry is focused and movement it back to the Entry when focus is lost and the text is empty. So we are going to add together a handler for the Focused and Unfocused events.

                          async              void              TextBox_Focused              (              object              sender              ,              FocusEventArgs              east              )              {              await              TranslateLabelToTitle              ();              }              async              void              TextBox_Unfocused              (              object              sender              ,              FocusEventArgs              e              )              {              await              TranslateLabelToPlaceHolder              ();              }              async              Chore              TranslateLabelToTitle              ()              {              if              (              string              .              IsNullOrEmpty              (              this              .              Text              ))              {              var              placeHolder              =              this              .              PlaceHolderLabel              ;              var              altitude              =              GetPlaceholderDistance              (              placeHolder              );              await              placeHolder              .              TranslateTo              (              0              ,              -              altitude              );              }              }              async              Task              TranslateLabelToPlaceHolder              ()              {              if              (              string              .              IsNullOrEmpty              (              this              .              Text              ))              {              await              this              .              PlaceHolderLabel              .              TranslateTo              (              0              ,              0              );              }              }              double              GetPlaceholderDistance              (              Label              control              )              {              // In Android we demand to move the label slightly upward so information technology's centered in the border frame.              var              distance              =              0d              ;              if              (              Device              .              RuntimePlatform              ==              Device              .              iOS              )              distance              =              0              ;              else              altitude              =              5              ;              distance              =              control              .              Height              +              distance              ;              return              distance              ;              }                      

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Now let's add together these events to our control and exam again our control in runtime.

                          <controls:BorderlessEntry              HeightRequest=              "{OnPlatform iOS=twoscore}"              x:Proper noun=              "TextBox"              VerticalOptions=              "FillAndExpand"              Text=              "{Binding Text,Source={ten:Reference this},Mode=TwoWay}"              Margin=              "10,0,0,0"              Focused=              "TextBox_Focused"              Unfocused=              "TextBox_Unfocused"              />                      

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With these changes, our command should behave like this:



Adding text changed outcome for consumers

Finally, since we'd like to exist notified when the text changes nosotros're going to add together an effect to the EntryOutlined and wire information technology to the inner Entry

                          public              event              EventHandler              <              TextChangedEventArgs              >              TextChanged              ;              public              virtual              void              OnTextChanged              (              System              .              Object              sender              ,              Xamarin              .              Forms              .              TextChangedEventArgs              east              )              {              TextChanged              ?.              Invoke              (              this              ,              eastward              );              }                      

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                          <controls:BorderlessEntry              HeightRequest=              "{OnPlatform iOS=40}"              x:Name=              "TextBox"              VerticalOptions=              "FillAndExpand"              Text=              "{Binding Text,Source={x:Reference this},Style=TwoWay}"              Margin=              "10,0,0,0"              Focused=              "TextBox_Focused"              Unfocused=              "TextBox_Unfocused"              TextChanged=              "OnTextChanged"              />                      

Enter fullscreen manner Exit fullscreen mode

And lastly, we can utilize the control from our page like this

                          <controls:EntryOutlined              Placeholder=              "I'm an entry"              BorderColor=              "Bluish"              PlaceholderColor=              "Cerise"              TextChanged=              "EntryOutlined_OnTextChanged"              />                      

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


Some people have asked me to provide a repository. Here is a basic repo with the code from the post.


Xamarin code for posts published at dev.to/jefrypozo


This time we saw a elementary and easy way to create an outlined entry based on Google's Material Blueprint. Thankfully, the folks from Xamarin.Forms have washed a very nice piece of work and we just demand to do some elementary things to attain the desired upshot and in the adjacent entry I'll show you how to add a characterization underneath the entry for validation purposes.

Stay tuned!


Source: https://dev.to/jefrypozo/creating-an-outlined-entry-in-xamarin-forms-48af

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